Press centre
Press Notice – Presentation of the Report of the Hammarskjöld Commission
The Hammarskjöld Commission will present its report at the Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague, Netherlands on Monday 9 September commencing at 13.30. The event will be chaired by Mr Steven van Hoogstraten, Director of the Carnegie Foundation in The Hague.
The Commission Chairman, Sir Stephen Sedley (UK) will speak for 30 minutes. He will then present the report of the Commission to the Chairman of the Hammarskjöld Inquiry Trust, Lord Lea of Crondall, who will make a short statement. The event will conclude at 15.00 after a short Question and Answer period.
Please be aware that admission must be applied for and obtained in advance. Members of the media wishing to attend should register at indicating name, organisation and telephone number. Please bring valid ID and allow time for the security check.
A limited number of copies of the report will be available in the Historic Reading Room of the Peace Palace from 13.00. The complete report and Sir Stephen’s presentation will be posted in the Report section of this website at 13.00.
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